1860 - 1869

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1862 Jun 12, 06h19m N/A "During [lunar] eclipse, the E [IAU:W] side dark brick red and something seemed to oscillate before it." At the mid-eclipse on the S side, "a very small meniscus was seen nearly the color of the uneclipsed moon." N/A Liais 1865
1864 May 15 and Oct 16 Mare Crisium, E of Picard Bright cloud Ingall Ingall 1864
1864 N/A Bright spot Birt Birt Birt 1864
1865 Jan 1 SE of Plato; 30 min Bright spot like 4th mag star slightly out of focus. Bright speck remained changeless for 30 min, and its light was steady. Grover Grover 1866; Webb 1962 ed., p.114
1865 Apr 10 Mare Crisium, E of Picard Point of light like star. Whole of Mare Crisium intersected with bright veins, mixed with bright spots of light. Aperture 4-1/2 in.; 4 hr before full moon Ingall Astr. Reg. 1866
1865 Sep 5 Mare Crisium, E of Picard Point of light like star, with misty cloud Ingall Astr. Reg. 1866
1865 Nov 24 Carlini; 1 hr 30 min Dark side, distinct bright speck like 8th mag star Williams and two others Webb 1962 ed., p.125
1865 Mare Crisium Dots and streaks of light Slack, Ingall Webb 1962 ed., p.105
1866 Jun 10 Aristarchus Starlike light Tempel Denning, Tel.Work p.121
1866 Jun 14-16 Aristarchus, vicinity Reddish-yellow Tempel Tempel 1867
1866 Dark side Bright spots Hodgson Hodgson 1866
1867 Apr 9, 19h30m - 21h00m Aristarchus, vicinity; 1 hr 30 min Bright spot on dark side, 7th mag, becoming fainter after 20h15m UT Elger Elger 1868
1867 Apr 12, 07h30m - 08h30m Aristarchus, vicinity; 1 hr Bright spot on dark side, 7th mag. Elger Webb 1962
1867 May 6-7 Aristarchus; at least several hours each night Left side of crater, very bright luminous point, appearing like a volcano Flammarion Flammarion 1884
1867 May 7 Aristarchus, vicinity Reddish-yellow, beacon-like light Tempel Tempel 1867; Astr. Reg. 1868
1867 Jun 10 Sulpicius Gallus Three blackish spots Dawes The Student Vol.1
1867 Dark side Bright spots W.O. Williams Williams 1867

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